Faster and cheaper. These two combined concepts seem to be a natural quest in our daily lives. When integrated circuit technology came on the scene, it was anything but fast or cheap. Moore's Law helped change that, and, indirectly, impacted our culture and how we do ministry.
In the mid 1960s one of the co-founders of Intel, Gordon Moore, was asked by the magazine “Electronics” to predict what was going to happen in the next ten years with this technology. He studied the short history of integrated circuits and came up with the conclusion that computing power would double every year for the next ten years. Over the years this number has fluctuated between 12-24 months, but on average computing power has doubled every 18 months.
[page_section color='#2c3e50′ textstyle='light' position='default' padding_bottom='on' padding_top='on']This became known as Moore's Law: Computing power doubles every 18 months. [/page_section]
His prediction was only for ten years. Experts have repeatedly predicted the end of Moore's Law stating that pace of innovation cannot continue indefinitely. However, technology breakthroughs have shattered those previously perceived barriers, and Moore's Law has held true for over 50 years now.
Rather than Moore's prediction being something that chronicled the progress of the industry, it became quoted by and ingrained into the drive of scientists and industry competition to the point it has become a driving force for the progress of the industry.
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We are living the effects and benefits of this compounded growth in computing power as witnessed in the convergence of the digital, social, mobile, and high bandwidth capabilities that we now carry in our hands.
[pullquote align=”normal” cite=””]Moving forward, Moore’s Law and related innovations are shifting toward the seamless integration of computing within our daily lives.[/pullquote]
What can the Church glean from Moore's Law and its effect?
[pullquote align=”normal” cite=”Gordon Moore”]By making things smaller, everything gets better at the same time. The transistors get faster. The reliability goes up. The cost goes down.[/pullquote]
1. Focus on Growing Smaller
In the Church, the smallest component is the individual. We have been commissioned by God to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20). While we may do this in a group, it is imperative that we don't get caught up in growing numbers. As the individuals grow, the congregation grows. The parables of The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7), The Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10), and The Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32) remind us of the importance of each individual.
Andy Stanley has stated on numerous occasions that while the rows of people in the congregational worship service are great and serve a real purpose, real ministry and discipleship happens in the circles of small groups.
2. Momentum Builds from Growing Smaller
With the focus on building relationships and growing individuals in small groups, the momentum builds within the congregation. There becomes an excitement and culture of being the ekklesia in our world.
3. The Reliability Goes Up
As individual lives change and momentum builds, the congregations are recognized for being the relevant force in our communities that God intended us to be.
4. The Cost Goes Down
We become better stewards of our resources as we disciple believers, train leaders, and mobilize our congregations to be actively reaching out to others in their daily lives.
[pullquote align=”normal” cite=” 4:05″]Continuing to learn and evolve the capability of the instruments is going to require great creativity and attention to detail.[/pullquote]
5. Learn and Innovate
Technology is not slowing down. The change in our culture is going to continue at an amazing pace. While it is our mission and mandate to stay true to the message of Christ, it is imperative that the Church never stop learning and innovating.
- Learn about what makes today's culture so different from the past (check out my post 4 Redefined Words The Church Must Learn To Stay Relevant In Today's Culture),
- Learn to exegete the community around your congregation.
- Develop a culture of innovation in your congregation. (check out my post 6 Ways Leaders Foster Innovation)
- Leverage the same technology that is accelerating change in our culture to reach, disciple, train, and mobilize people to change our world for Christ.
We need to strive for an intentionally seamless integration of “being” the ekklesia Jesus called us to be:
- inside our church buildings and out,
- offline and online,
- every day, not just Sunday.
[clickToTweet tweet=”We need to strive for an intentionally seamless integration of ‘being' the ekkelsia Jesus called us to be in every space of our lives.” quote=”We need to strive for an intentionally seamless integration of ‘being' the ekkelsia Jesus called us to be in every place of our lives.” theme=”style3″]
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How have you seen Moore's Law impact your congregation and community? What ideas do you have to leverage it for your ministry? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
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Sources and Further Reading on Moore's Law:
- Moore’s Law And The Exponential Growth Of Technology
- Intel Article: 50 Years of Moore's Law
- Gordon Moore: Thoughts on the 50th Anniversary of Moore’s Law
- Moore's Law and Maniacal Cadence
- Our Stories – Gordon Moore about Moore's Law
- Wikipedia
Header image Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash